
目前顯示的是 7月, 2009的文章


如果恨能让一个人放下, 那你恨吧~~ 就随着你心里想的去想。 反正我知道什么才是事实。 不想解释那么多, 因为没必要。。。 不懂我的人就离开吧。 我不懂的人也没必要留下。 放开你的心, 离开吧~ 就当做从没认识过就好了。。 反正一开始就是个错误。 就算是我不对好了, 最错就是接近你。 你根本不属于我的世界。 回到原点, 这样大家都能活得更轻松。

Girls trip @ JB

富丽堂皇得像酒店,其实是夜店~ 终于,我的新山之旅又结束了~~时间还是过得很快滴~~真的很开心也很疯狂!!!真是另一个难忘的夜晚了。。。原来7个女人在一起也可以很开心的~~讲话很吵,很好笑~~尤其是那几个爱说黄色笑话的女人,整天说一些我还不明白的东西。。。=.="不过当我明白后就会觉得很好笑。。。 终于见到joan姐姐的小叔了。。。跟想象中差不多。。。跟ahjon哥哥一样有酒窝的。。。可是忘记跟他拍照了。。。应该说不好意思拍啦~~最衰就是她们咯,一直讲一直讲。。。搞到我很拍写咧~~>. 说回那个难忘的星期六。。。七个女生在夜店撒野~~这件夜店真大,舞台像模特儿走的T台,上面还有live band和歌手。。。刚巧就遇见ahjon哥哥和他的老板在那里。。。他那个咸涩老板,每个女生都想一亲芳泽,幸好,我们够团结!!!大家互相救大家~~最惨的就是那天大家的运气超烂的!!!想说用游戏“duilam”他的。。。哪里懂我们却一直输。。。搞到我们自己人个个喝到脸红红,cat妈妈都去厕所吐了。。。 隔壁座的那个男的,一直利用教我丢骰子的机会想灌我酒。。。想得美~~~本小姐会声东击西术咧~~~哈哈。。。。里面的声音很吵,害我们全部都用喊的。。。声音都沙了。。。我这天的酒量真是出乎意料的好,连灌几杯下去也没问题,还帮人顶酒呢~~哇咔咔咔咔。。。。^O^不过最后还是晕晕滴。。。走路也摇来摇去。。。害大家要扶着我过马路~~好丢脸哦~~o(>﹏ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/purplechess


哇~~好开心~~ 终于等到这天啦!!放假!! 呜哈呜哈哈呜哈哈哈~~ 终于可以三天不用去工作啦~~ 真快乐~~^O^ 好期待去玩哦~~ 虽然又要用钱了。。。唉。。。 不过,还是很开心~~~哈哈。。。 还没收拾东西呢。。。明天还要早起。。 今晚要早睡~~ 我会很期待哦~~第一次去joan姐姐的新家呢~~ 明天就能去“蒲”了。。。。 hoho~~^^...^^....^^..... 要去收拾了~~~ 快乐的时间会过得很快的。。。 所以要想想难过的东西才可以延迟快乐的时间吧~ 这次去不知道会不会遇见他们咧~~ 顺其自然吧~~~^^

my pitstop job_6

very unhappy today~~but nt sad... today get many complaint,all from own staff in pitstop.. my boss and supervisor.. actually i am quite happy when i start working today.. but lot of things coming to me den i start upset already... gastric so lie on wall den kena scold also... don wan2 explain 2many...later people will say u finding excuses... people also always will thought they are right always... dono the truth but just keep saying what they thinking of...and scold... i think im nt stupid loh... what im doing im clear then all of u all... don think im a fool...but u r a stupid~~ today i really hurt.... finally drop 2tears on each eyes...so lame today... but no1 will c cos i keep it secretly... i really feel tired already~~~~

my pitstop job_5

these few days many people wan my phone number... still remember last thursday got 2guys wan take from panda.. but panda didnt had my number,i know... so i just ignore them... but today they came again, and asking for that again... i though panda must taking tips or allowance from them... coz he keep helping them onli... promote them even he dono them well..(i think la..) finally i lose~~haiz.. just gave my number lo...since i feel they r not bad guys... the guy who wan be fren v me look not like shy boy loh.. but dono why when they calling for me then i walk to their table,he don dare to talk v me... aft that he sms me say he shy wor~~~=="haha~~ today got another table of customers oso asking me go out with them next time... =="....=="....==".... dono what to say adi~~ i think i should learn "tai ji"~~~ then onli can “耍太极” agree??^^


haiz...peyshan is right... i can attract TB now already... shit!!hahahahaha.... but....i am already look like a TB wor~~~ how can this happen...==" o(>﹏ PEYSHAN~~~~~~HELP!!!! but how u can help leh hor?? haiz...i feel that i start become stupid in these type of thing already.. why i didnt feel any special from HER although she came pitstop in high frequency? yesterday she oso got came pitstop.. then today i off then receive her msg already...shit~ okok...take it easy girl~~ just be a fren~k...... ..... ...... ...... ...... .... ........ ........ .....unbelievable...... .....O__O"…


今天,星期天。 生气,因为做错事,但是,又好像不完全是我错。 沟通出现问题,大家都有责任。 人手不够难免会出错。 谁能事事完美?圣人都会犯错。 虽然很委屈,但是,即使要哭也不能让你们看到。 宁愿手指被我出气咬伤了,也绝不红着眼睛让你们同情。 继续做这份工已经是我最大让步,以为我很快乐吗? 这两天忙到半死,跑上跑下,脚已经开始痛了。 要不是还有顾客的喜欢,要不是看在人手不足,求我也不会留下。 不用脸黑黑给我看,我也不是不会黑脸的人。 只是我有专业态度,绝对笑脸迎(客)人。 就算要发泄,也只能在上楼梯的时候骂骂和拼命做鬼脸。 沮丧,因为不懂为什么自己懵懵懂懂的决定在这里干。 以我的水准需要吗?真笨。 当做自己倒霉好了。 还不懂这霉运几时才会离开我;我又几时才能离开这里。 不幸中的大幸,还有还算好人的同事,还有顾客。 可是,那讨厌的人真的让我很讨厌!!! 有帅吗?在我眼里就只是一摊不为一看的屎!!! 没样子没风度没心胸没品没礼貌没态度, 人前人后两个样,人面兽身,没大脑没EQ的白痴!!! 妥协不代表服气。 只因我是属下,所以,我忍!!! 离开那里,你根本什么都不是!!! 自以为受欢迎的笨蛋!!!

原来我很胆小。。。i am scared..

一直以为自己有多坚强多大胆,原来只是自我催眠~~ damn hate those stupid people always sending me the scary picture that pop-out suddenly.. 尤其是我时常都是晚上才checking mail... if i saw the scary pictures sure i cant sleep that night already... 都不懂为什么那些人那么无聊。。。 yesterday night receive an email about MJ ghost in his wonderland... 人嘛都会好奇的吧~~ its look like a news from tv... 所以我才尝试看看的。。。 its said listen carefully...so i turn the sound louder.... 因为我当然以为是会有奇怪的声音咯~~ who know suddenly saw a blur things walk pass the door... 那并不可怕,它还一直重复又重复~~ focus and focus...zoom in and in... 我的眼睛当然是越看越近想看清楚嘛。。。 then suddenly pop-out the MJ in THRILLER Mv...screaming sound scaring me~~~ 我赶快关掉,看看时间是3am多。。。 then my hand start shaking more then 15 minute.... 还有一次,不懂那个番薯send给我一封风景email.... then i open it and start view it,all are damn pretty view picture... 春夏秋冬,日出日落,甚至连极光风景都有。。。 who knows when i am still enjoy in those picture suddenly saw the last 1 is the "ju-on" kid's smiling at me and move his hand like asking me go inside tha...

my pitstop job_4

today is saturday,as usual sat is a damn bz nite~~~today i work until 2am oh~~coz i wan back earlier tomorrow bcos monday got exam...today i go shopping with celine and buy a new cap that i wan use for working...i like it so much^^ today is the most kacau nite,because pitstop face a problem that had no happen before--electric fuse getting shot~~wahahaha...so romantic at the ground floor cos every table using candle to brighten the place...i oso help all the table to "switch on" the candle too....but,what is the most trouble stuff is.....the computer hanging already...haiz~~v need checking what foods and drinks order by customers....and 1more trouble is all of us needed took customer order by writing....1 for kitchen 1 for bar....tired=="...go up and down in high sequences.... actually last week promise wc taking dinner with him today 1...but suddenly need replace dancing class for other...so play him aerooplane lo...den i saw he black face...o(>﹏ today is a weird day~...


今天歆雅终于又回到我身边了~~~哇咔咔咔咔。。。 趁妈咪回去怡保了,她又到我家过夜了。。。 大概整整一个多月将近两个月她没来过了吧。。。 明天我们要去弄头发了~~~ 我又要剪头发咯!!! 可是不知道剪怎样的发型比较好。。。 刚刚三更半夜到McD去吃晚餐,都是因为大小姐肚子饿咯~~ 引诱我。。。唉~~ 那么巧就遇到潘达他们和来打包给ck的kenny。。。 都四点了,他们大家竟然还在开工。。。真勤劳啊~~ 只有我们两个小姐在谈天说地聊得起劲。。。O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 我们这两个笑侠在一起就会笑个不停。。。 彼此的好默契就算长时间没练习也不会生疏~~~ 她讲着她的事给我听;我也讲我的事给她听。 说到今天有客人搭讪要电话的事,我们又大笑一通~~ 然后遇见潘达他又说多一次。。。==" 不过我们的看法始终如一,工作归工作;私事归私事嘛。。。 不过其实我工作到并不开心。。。 可能这份工并不适合我吧~~~ 可是明伦却好像很信任我的样子,还把我样子放上传单当宣传。。。==" 我的天啊~~~这样子我哪敢告诉他我不想干呢?? 头痛啊~~~~~~~救命啊!!!!!!

start my slimming progress.........

wuhu~~~~ for my coming trip to jb,i need keeping fit already~~ joan said she will bring all of us go "wet"~~ wakakakakaka^O^ this time sure will be soso interesting~~ ahbui jiejie, may, wah lui jiejie and cat mama oso will go~~~ walau!!!sure so interesting for our trip~~~ adding me, joan jiejie, ahying jiejie and michelle~~ 1st time we gather togather and go clubbing leh!!!! yoyo...jb men~~check it out~~~wakakaka^O^ joan jiejie wan me bring bikini go oh...==" haha...how can,some more i didnt have bikini oso ma~~ she say wanna introduce her husband's brother to me...==" ya lah...i noe he is rich...but...erh...haiz~~ i had no market at all meh?? why all my frens always wan intro ppl to me 1?? look so pity leh...hahaha~~~ long time didnt go clubbing already~~ when is the last time i go huh?????? erm...i think is.......chinese new year lo~~ go with ipoh gengster~~wakaakkakakaka^^ wau...more den half year already~~ must wear sexy sexy this time~~kekeke^^ so exited bu...

my pitstop job_3

昨天是星期六。。。人超多的说~~其实不会很辛苦,只是忙碌时会出现不知所措的情况;忽然空闲又不懂应该做什么好。。。。(因为很多人不应该会空闲啊~)今天我很努力的介绍游戏,其实不太满意自己的成绩。。。还记得刚来到这里工作时觉得所有游戏都好有趣,可是现在。。。 当客人问我有什么好介绍时,我竟然已经找不到我自己觉得有趣的游戏了。。。而且,我发现了一个问题。。。就是,我和老板的看法不太对味。。。每次他都要我介绍和推荐他所觉得有趣的游戏,而我完全不觉得好玩。。。。最让我觉得无可奈何的就是每次按照他的吩咐去教的游戏客人都不太喜欢。。。。也许我还不会“看”那些客人适合那些游戏吧。。。反而那些他眼中所谓的不好玩又没趣的游戏,当我和客人一起玩的时候他们都哈哈大笑,不知多开心。。。==" 而且,今天我才发现自己到底有多逞强。。。明知道那些玻璃碗盘很重,可是我还是坚持自己一次过拿完;明知道那些食物很多而且又要捧上楼是很危险的,却还是要一次过碰完上去。。。可能有的人会觉得我“懒叻“,可是对我来说:人,是有无限可能的。不尝试看看又怎么知道自己到底做不做得到呢??没试过就断定自己做不到的人不就是在为自己的无能找借口吗?所以,勇于尝试是好事。。。可是前提是,你必须用你的脑子确定你所做的东西是有一定的把握,如果真的不行当然就不能勉强自己。。。否则赔了夫人又折兵,损失可就大咯~~^^

my pitstop job_2

today i feel so glad~~ dont know why...maybe just because dint do any mistake... ops!!nono....i do... but...haha~~~nobody aware abt that even customers~~ they order the normal potato wages but i giv them cheesy wages.... they dint realize but order some more for it too!!! wakakaka~~~~^O^ see how i lucky today~~ these few days not many customers, so i become very very very bored while i working... luckily~~~all the staff playing games with me...^^ so, i learn a new game again~~~a quite complicated game but interest~~ many friends look so supprise when they saw i am working at pitstop loh.. sunny who came rent studio for dancing practice open his smal eye "big big" when he saw i wearing the pitstop uniform...kekeke... chemmy also open her extra big eye after she teaching her yoga class and replace the key for me... even wc know i am working here he also give me an unbelievable look for me~~~wahahaha^O^ hehehe...i just realize that the handsome guy who rent studio that day is sa...

my pitstop job_1

haiz....just start working for 4days...but i just show good in 1st 3days,and dont know why,the 4th day i making some mistake already....damn sad~~ but i will improve slowly....learning from the wrong....making myself more strong and success!!!hopefully la~~hehe.... i will keep smiling and wont cry infront of public!!cos i always got my family to support me~~and frenz~~~all of them give me much of energy to step forward for my life~~~ i love u all~~~muakzZZZZ(^*^)


七月了。。。 我要~重新出发!! 放弃该放弃的~争取该争取的~ 以后的事谁也没能预言什么。。。 至少现在的我清楚自己要什么~~ 不再为了别人放弃原本的目标~~ 开始我的工作!!! 开始忙碌的生活!!! 开始我的工作经验!!! 开始我的社交生活!!! 我要蜕变!!!! 变成我要的自己!!! 变成你意想不到的我!!!! 加油加油加油↖(^ω^)↗~~~~