
目前顯示的是 8月, 2009的文章

yo~~geram sangat~

just now i want to write a post for yesterday story... just feel happy to recall all the memories for my blog~ when i choosing the picture for post i will thinking back all the things happen yesterday and smile~^^ but...... when i almost finish my post....... dc....Dc....yea....DCDCDC~~~ decline~~~T.T i wrote so long leh~~~almost finish already yeh~~ and i though it will auto save some for me... so i check back... .... .... .... .... .... blank.... .... i feel faint at that time~~ nothing inside the space for that post~ >. haiz~~~re-write..... re-write... the 2nd time i cant smile or laugh during i writing anymore......... but, i still can finish it in the end~~sure i can!!!

happY HaPpY daYzz ...Y(^_^)Y

today is a happy day~why? because happy loh~~wahahaha.... actually today i date with the pitstop gang to Sunway for shogun buffet again,but...we fail...why?hahaa...some body responsible for it...who?me loh....hahaxx...cause i am late and make us depart late also..but,erm....i think is a coincidence too la...actually we just late half an hour only ma, but there already full of people and reservation as well....==" i thought now is puasa period will less people 1...who knows....hahaxx..just forget abt it la~~keke.. start from left:mokmok(peyshan),shinya,TS,panda,sheng,grace after that we decide to go that restoran mokmok recommend before~is B.B.Q plaza...do u heard it b4??erm...is abit like korean style...got steamboat and bbq as well...actually they will feel abit regret for that sushi buffet but actually for me,i am abit happy for that cos i already eat 3times so....maybe is a good thing for me..(i dont dare to tell cause scare they said i be late purposely....keke..)this lunch ac...


还在想。。。 想什么? 不知道。。。 为什么? 不清楚。。。 总言之, 还在想。。。 想一个解决的方法, 想一个两全其美的结局, 想一个完美的故事, 想一个快乐的结果, 想一个没有难过的世界, 想一个有情人能总成眷属的童话。 想,有用吗? 想,会实现? 想、想、想、想。。。。 这次我把主导权放在他手里了。。。 让他去决定, 我们到底还有没有未来~~ (~ _ ~)


终于还是选择了放手 不能走到最后,不是谁的错。 不合适的两个人, 幸福永远短暂。 与其苦恋,不如留下回忆活在记忆里。 谢谢这一个给我美好回忆的人。 从此生命中又多了一个, 丰富我爱情记事本的男生。。。

working @ watson,Sg Wang^_^

these 3days, working at watson,sg wang...very tired and boring..but luckily meet a gang of friendz here~~all of them is same as me,talkative and friendly...we help each other when face problem...learn from each other... i got much of knowledge from them,some time can from customers too...^^ just like others, we alwways like to gather at 1place and chitchat..haha~ofcos,we r clever girls...wont choose the place full of cctv 1...hahaxx dono why,every1 are not wish me to leave on the last day...even the management staff also dont kacau us when saw all of us taking picture and keep assemble togather...actually i finish work at 8pm, but i back on 9.15pm...bcos they keep chitchat v me... we keep take photo under the cctv...hahaxx~the others staff always warn us..and the guard also keep checking us...but we just chance place and take photo...hahaxx...even later maybe will warn by some1 but...WE R NOT AFFRAID!!wakakaka...^O^ hope we can have a gathering soon~~~FOR ALL FRINEDZ AT WATSON,SG WANG~...

~gathering gathering~

今天一大早我就起床了,因为约了我几个好友到sunway的shogun buffet聚餐~~由于是嫣珊驾车所以我们就在佩佩的家集合吧。。。其实我已经迟到了的,只是凭我的直觉告诉我,她们一定也会迟滴~~kekekeke..... 最后,到达该餐厅时还没到12点,所以我们只好呆呆的站在外面等。。。还有狂拍照。。。哈哈~我们在等待的同时发现没有其他顾客等待,就好奇为什么做促销却没人来的。。谁知一到十二点整,人潮都几乎是同时出现。。。搞到我心怕怕的问珊是否需要预定,不过到最后其他客人也是没预定的啦。。。 一进到去我们就已经迫不及待的去看看有什么好料吃了。。。每人都拿一大碟。。。然后趁还没享用之前,我们都会先拍照。。。但是其实是不能拍他们的食物的。。。像我又一次想拍刚拿回来的sushi,结果被工作人员劝阻下来了。。。很拍写~~>_ 今天的聚餐真的很开心。。。因为有梁歆雅小姐的加持~哈哈。。。她一直莫名其妙的搞笑,弄到我们不止笑到流泪还肚子痛呢~~~有一幕是她要和ck玩自拍,谁知一直拍不到ck的头,只拍到半个头。。。明明已经帮她调整了,谁知她一拍的时候手又歪了。。。=="总之就是开心啦。。 美中不足应该是chemmy没办法来参我们一起玩咯。。。没关系,应该会有下次吧~~^^ 接着晚上,就是我们老同学的gathering了。。。刚巧遇在同一天。。为了迁就我,大家特地选在pitstop办。。。其实,老实说,也不必为了我而选这里,因为我根本无法参与大家的谈话,反而变成大家的侍应生~~+_+哈哈。。。。 不过还是谢谢他们选在这里,因为至少让我见到bitna了。。。真的好久不见她了。。。不过再见面却好像昨天才见一样。。。她还是那么亲切和蔼。。。又可爱~~^^真的好可惜。。。为什么师父和她的缘份如此短暂。。。还是很喜欢我这个ex师母滴~~~ bitna超级受欢迎得咯~~我们这边还没散会,她又得赶去下一摊了。。。真是大忙人。。希望在她回去之前还有机会再见面。。。^^ 趁bitna要离开的时候赶紧放下手边工作,去跟她合照留影~ 更多有趣有漂亮的照片,请浏览 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/purplechess ^^


三天又过去了,这三天除了累之外其实过得还蛮开心的。。。他终于还是来了。不是很期待,却也让我有所期待。总觉得他很无聊,为什么要从那么远上来看我?想说,也许相处了就不会在纠缠我了吧?就让他来了。 终于,我有勇气面对这一切了。尤其是当他来到我面前时,我发现我不能再逃避了。纵然心是忐忑的,却也那么的动了一下。看他大老远从新山上来、陪我去工作自己却在商场里等足九个小时、载我去任何想去的地方、即使无理取闹还是让着我。。。 为什么一个只见过我两次面的人可以那么迁就、疼爱我呢?真的是缘分吗?开始又感觉到幸福了。只是我还不想安定。看他傻傻的为我付出,真的有点心疼。可是我要怎么对他说呢?因为知道他对感情的认真,所以才不敢接受吗? 我要怎么办呢?继续让他等下去吗?还是拒绝?或是像大家说的接受试试看好了?我,该怎么办呢?(╯﹏╰)

happy thingsSsSsSs.....

recently many great things comes to me... 1) joan sis pregnant 2) my frens come back to kl 3) got many jobs to get money 4) finally shinya come back to work with us at pitstop 5) my daddy mummy come back to stay with me.... YEAH~~~ I WILL NOT BE LONELY ANYMORE~~~ RIGHT~~~ I WILL HAVE LUNCH AND DINNER AT HOME SAME AS U ALL NOW~~~ WAKAKAKAKA^o^ so, starting next month, better don always call me out.... hahaxx...cos i need not to be always hang out already~~ T.T....

{**B@bY wItH bLeSsiNg**}

yeah~~~~ today got a great news from friend... 我要当干妈妈啦!!! hahaha~~~damn happy on that moment~~ how long i am waiting for her...this baby with blessing~ she let everybody waiting for her... everybody looking for her... i think...after she born, she will get about 6 mak angkat immediately~ hahaha^O^ she will be the GRACE from GOD to all of us~ dono she is a baby girl or boy leh?? haha...baby who will grow up with full of love... ~Baby WiTh LovE~ wE R wAitInG fOr U~full of expect^^

apologize from HIM

finally...i get that apologize that i want...thkQ~~ i dont care abt other ppl but u r the 1 very important for me~ i know u know too~~ of cause i know i have the same status for u like u for me also... dont make me angry again... even others can bully me but u need to protect me from them... so, dont bully me again~~ unless i find the 1 can really protect me, if not u will always have the responsible to care for me~ hahahaha....FrIeNdShIp 4eVeR~~^^

~nEw friEndz~

finally i finish this weekend job already~ although i am very tired and damn pain for my leg, but i really glad to know them as my frens~ kar mun, kar hei, ah mun, jaan, sabrina, ah ling, rachel, chloe.........many many more~ feel happy to work with u all~ u all really great and teach me something new~~ happy to be fren with u all... and, keep in touch ya!!!^^

no pain no gain~

1st time i try promoter job... 1st time i stand for almost 9 hours... 1st time i stand using abit high hill shoes for longest period... 1st time i try to smile even actually i want to cry... i break many record on this day... just because money... walau eh... damn pain my leg... today i really clear about something... when u want to get something sure u need to paid for it... no pain no gain... my leg really pain even now im already in the second day morning... still pain... im so curious, i still can work later or not.. but... i need to... haiz...god bless me~~T_T


为什么?感觉越来越难以沟通。是我向前而你停在原地吗?还是我已经开始离开你的世界?还是说我已经不是以前的我了,而你还是希望我能当回属于你的我?对你曾经的付出,至今无人能取代,然而那已是过去式了。 你总是说,需要我的时候我不在。但,你是否想过,从很久以前开始,你就只有在需要我的时候才会出现。可能你没说,但是我知道,你不开心。我是那么努力的去了解你。每一次我都忍着痛,听着你诉说那些让你不开心的事。 你知道吗?友情是互相鼓励,爱情是互相依赖。我已从依赖你的习惯逃离爱情,试着从旁给你鼓励,做回朋友的角色。你,却还是戒不掉在寂寞时对我的依赖吗?也许你已习以为常,理所当然的觉得我应该在你不开心的时候,听你说话。 不要说以前以前了。。。那是以前了。以前我只是从诉说心事来向你撒娇,天真的以为那天的你会回心转意,结果越陷越深。现在,我试着自己解决自己的问题了。当然,还是需要当朋友的你的鼓励,而不是一味的猜测。。。 在我心里,你始终都是我最重要的朋友。虽然不能回到过去,但至少不要用争执来维持友情吧。。。我也不想我们的疏离感会越来越重。。。


不要问我喜不喜欢你。。。 因为,我已经习惯孤单。。。 要从孤单里出来对我来说并不容易。。。 孤单并不可怕~ 尤其是单身的孤单,其实是自由~~ 最恐怖的孤单,是恋上后的寂寞~~ 与其从一个孤单投入另一个孤单, 倒不如就保留力气, 快乐的留在原本的孤单里~ 去习惯孤单。。。

ooi~i tell u hor....

today i am very happy loh~cos finally got people praise my new decoration for my blogs~~ fuyoh~~damn happy today~~ i want to thx a person...Jacy~~ is her blog let me realize that can decorate blog like this~ and the songs~~i oso get from her blog~~ her blog is my learning resource~ thx ya~^^ u guys support make me can keep it fighting for my blog~ thankx alot!!!^O^


很遗憾,师父和EX师母还是分开了。。。 可以从师父口中得知,那应该代表他已经看开了。。。 曾经,他们是我心中了不起的模范情侣~ 最后,还是输给距离。。。 现实中始终还是没有童话存在吗??


从来没想过会遇到的人,竟在生命中出现。我的生活充满惊喜~每天都会发生意想不到的事,有好事也会有坏事。重要的是,都是难忘的事。。。从很久以前就发现,越是心里计划着的事就越不可能实现。。。反而,发生的事往往都是意料之外~~ 无论是好事坏事,都是能让我成长的事~最近过得很开心~原因不只是因为工作上了轨道,跟一大班姐妹团聚更是遇到了很多好人。。。暂时还没有超过朋友的感觉,所以。。不想再犯同样的错,所以保留开始的机会。。。因为希望下一段感情能走得更远。。。 虽然还是顾虑很多东西,可是,朋友说:为了等待一个更完美的人,我们常常错过了身边许许多多已经很完美的。。。所以,从经验中需要学习珍惜。感情像幼苗,需要栽培才会开花结果。只是,这一次我会花更多时间先去观察了解,才做决定。 一段感情需要很多东西来维持,也需要通过很多难关。距离对有些人可能不是问题,可是不代表对我来说也不是问题。对自己的信心和对你的信任,我还没有找到。在我还没有把握有信心去坚持之前,还不想太快下决定。即使我已经知道你已下了决心,可是请给我多些时间去考虑。 《世上任何平凡的女孩,只要遇上爱她的王子,都会变成漂亮的公主》