
目前顯示的是 2010的文章


一年一度的冬至又来了 不懂为什么 冬至一定要吃汤圆 不懂到底意义是什么 各式各样的汤圆 到处都买得到 可是啊 我还是喜欢最传统的 红白色无内陷汤圆 可是 我对姜汤始终提不上喜欢 勉强可以接受而已 比较钟爱豆奶配汤圆 顺滑豆香加上QQ汤圆 ♥超爱♥ ************************************* 可是 今年的冬至并不开心 就一点小事而已 却让我感到无比委屈 唉~ 可是那是父亲 我还能说什么 而且 爸爸要出国工作了 以后就不能天天都见到他了 他也老了 不管谁是谁非 始终是老豆 ****************************** 今天我还算是有吃到汤圆的 不过那些即煮汤圆 真的比不上 那些自己搓的 哈哈~ 希望元宵可以试下自己做 对啊~ 元宵又为什么吃汤圆啊???


最近不懂是不是太忙碌 还是太倒霉 老天像在开我玩笑 一次又一次 让我欢喜让我忧 身边的朋友都告诉我 不用太担心 应该没什么事的 可是现实却一次又一次 将我辛辛苦苦 建立的信心 一次又一次打败 我真的很怕 怕到发恶梦 半夜惊醒 医生说我还年轻啊 应该不会那么快死吧 朋友也说 “不会那么容易滴“ 是吗? 真的吗? 生病是很难的事吗? 明明我身边就有一个 比我还小的姑娘 刚切除子宫啊~ 人那么化学 今天还好好健在的人 明天以后可能就 人间蒸发了 谁能预知明天的事呢? 可是, 还真的很怕 对未知的未来 人们都充满着恐惧 也许, 命运根本无法改变 人一生下来 就注定了生老病死 能做的就只剩下 勇敢面对和解决问题 无论结果怎样 还是要面对 虽然朋友和家人都会支持 可是终究是自己去承受 要勇敢! 要坚强! 直到我呼出最后的那口气吧!

year3 sem1--END SEM!!!♥♥♥

yeah! finally... i got the time to update my blog~ just finish the semester now is study week for preparing exam this is the photo of presentation day in car (jam) before the presentation even i am smile god know how nervous am i right after the presentation my assignment topic DE'SAVOUR WINE COMPANY ♥cheer for the leisure!salute!!!♥ (slogan) ^^ finish all presentation for this semester all in 1day fuh~ look at my face.. what call... RELEASE & RELAX ♥YEAH!♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ However now is exam turn i need to focus my exam after exam will having a short holiday before the last semester start I WANT ENJOY THE DAY♥ ♥sHoRt ReSt Is FoR tHE ComInG FighT♥

Annual Dinner night @ PWTC

Annual Dinner of Stamford College 2010 the theme Masquerade i am the dancer for 2 performance is tired rush but ♥happy♥ the food is suck! they dont care for the dancer because they give allowance for each performance but the food is really SUCK!!! the Melaka Crew with ♥Flip Flop Shakerz!♥ i am enjoy the show and the night is the 1st time i join annual dinner after 2 years study at stamford hope i can join for next year ^^

The show @ The Legend Hotel

who knows me well will know i am the DANCE-AHOLIC i like dance sooo much~ dance show jobs is the motivation for me to continues my dance life my 1st Christmas tree of 2010 is at THE LEGEND HOTEL (im look so small up there...^^) ♥Pretty Women Walking On The Street♥ ♥BACK TO DANCE LIFE♥ Cheers~~~♥


this is the real performance which i had prepare for long long time ago hahaxx is VERY tired do u know?♥ everything going like a mess on that night however ♥♥WE DONE VERY WELL♥♥ I WILL KEEP FIGHTING FOR MY DANCE LIFE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Extravaganza *rehearsal* @ MAS Auditorium

this is the 1st time i go MAS academy is so strange i saw many airline stewardess erm~~ beautiful...^^ we rehearse for 2times i think is okie already because we practice so much already i am 1st time wear sarong this sarong bought at terengganu i like it so much~ but i only wear for 1time but still like it^^ ♥♥the xin jiang girls♥♥ their costume really nice^^ steph♥♥grace♥♥winnie the art of indian ♥♥is just after Deepavali fest♥♥ the mini airplane ♥♥at the main entrance of MAS academy♥♥

【Asmaradana】 practice

we are not so serious in practicing somemore bring food and eat at practice room = =" rest time playful funny crazy ^^ this 2girls is really..... (speechless) however, still have the serious time...^^ while waiting for the others~ glad to have u all in my final year~♥

♥ 23th birthday 2010 ♥

23/10/10 is my birthday having BBQ at my house thanks mokmok kahwai for accompany to buy things and chinmoi ahbuijiejie thanks for help me preparing the foods i'm busy for whole night doing nothing but keep walk around the house here and there don't know what i busying all of them are busy in eating & chatting but i had no time to eat & chat at all but is okie...nevermind as long as they had enjoyed ^^ when i'm busying to taking the fruit for them i asking meifong about the cake i had feeling weird long time why they don't ask for putting the cake in refri then meifong say some1 will delivered i wonder who will be then when i want to go out i saw crowd behind the door... so i just wait inside the hall i know what they want to do but just surprise when see the one taking cake appear in front of me aiyoyo~ why munkuin at here? oh my god! what happen here? who can tell me? feel warm at that moment then tears start coming out~ oh no~~ i don't wish people capture...

♥2 cakes A week♥

the first 1 is sifu birthday~ all of us gathering for sifu bday celebration simu and sifu having the same bday~ *coincident* HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO WEI SERN SIFU~❤ ********************************************** the next is my father and cousin brothers bday they are almost same age with my dad~~weird.. my mom, aunties, and cousin sisters the same age group with me are my cousins' children yes! i am their aunt actually.. however, most of them are elder than me~^^ my daddy and mummy~❤ hope they happy and healthy every day~~

♥Busy Life♥~~☺

Is just finish my assignment yesterday But the Busy Life never stop Many assignments still in the process status + Ms Puva was asking me to conduct a show for her Charity purpose I need to choreograph the dance steps For a Malay Song This is the first challenge The second challenge much more tough I need to train the participants Some who had no any dancing experience To dance like professional dancer I do not know i can achieve it or not But i still thanks Ms Puva For giving me chance to take part on this show This actually my first time for college but in final year Ms Puva also is the first person in the college Discovered my talent I promise i will do my best But just feel embarrassed Because i'm not the in-charge person for this show in the beginning Really felt Sorry to Her~~ Anyway, Hope will have a good show on that night! Everyone must work hard ya~~^^

UPM Convo

is the only convo that i went in 2010 because there is no reason for me to absent but still don't know why some friends are not attending even it is Sunday i had been go for 3days just because the date of their convo held depends on the courses ********************** ~CONGRATULATION~ ********************** however, most of them still taking master course so, will have another convo next time ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ really took many photo for the convo it seems like a photo shooting day~❤