
目前顯示的是 1月, 2010的文章



chee yow's birthday~

last friday, honlim suddenly sms me for inviting to hold chee yow's burfday on saturday...actually i promise to having movie with chee woon but last minute i was chance my decition to celebrate chee yow bday with frens at my home~~ i prepare some tong shui for them...is abit weird taste but fortunately they didnt complaint about it except some1~~=="....them almost finish the tong shui, thx for guys help~~i saw boys drink most of it...even i dont think really so delicious loh~~maybe they felt hungry???hahaxx guys was sing k at my house~is was late...because they all late...yup~this is their habit~always being late....so late still sing k i know it will disturb neighbour but since i had not always doing this so i dont bother about that...hohoho.... sifu got tell his own love story as a case for all of us attention....they try to gave some opinion in that...i dont know whether it works or not la...but i know everybody was very concern about sifu 1~~during sifu tell story that tim...

alvin and chipmunks~

哇~~~~super kawaii neh!!!!!!! this is the cutest movie i had seen in 2009~~super cute~~Alvin, Simon, and theodore....and their new guardian, Toby~~ guess what they had saw that cause them appear this type of face???hahaxx..... the chipettes!!!! IS TIME TO SCHOOL!!!!alvin and his brothers start their school life while meet the chipettes who are the admire of chipmunks as well~~~but because of some reason, they become enemy to fight for the representative of school for the music competition. On the day of audition for representative of school, Alvin was late for it causing chipmunks group failed to present and fight for their chance~~this is because Alvin join the school sport competition... he won the game but he lose for the chance in music conpetition....but~~~the chipettes failed to participate on date, so they ask help from the chipmunks~~what will happen finally???you should go and watch urself~~~hahaxx....cute and nice^^


没错!!就是它了!!《十月围城》 虽然这部片毫无冷场,故事简单易明,人物角色明确。。。 简单来说,是部好片~ 可是,却是一部不适合我的电影。。。 打斗及牺牲的场面固然赚人热泪,却让我感觉过于残酷。。。 虽然最终目的达到,但是。。。 死光光的结果却惨不忍睹。。。 这部片说明了,在革命年代, 一群看起来毫不起眼,对社会没什么贡献的人, 团结了所有小小的力量来完成他们大大的丰功伟绩。。。 但是,对于我这么一个理性分析的人来说, 这部片却出现了一个很大的疑问。。。 我不明白,孙文(孙中山)的到来为何如此铺张? 为什么得让全世界的人都知道他何时到达,路线是什么, 好让敌人计算他呢?? 难道不能让他平平凡凡,偷偷摸摸的避开所有危险? 避免所有人为他牺牲的命运吗? 老实说,不管当中的意义有多好或多值得思考, 不管电影的幕后班底多有诚意或多努力, 不管多少影评都有夸没谈, 我只能说,它是一部不适合我的电影。。。 不过我一点也不否定众人的努力及片子的素质, 虽然还是商业化了点, 但是,确实是一部不错的片子。。。。 如果你热爱中国近代历史, 对这种革命感觉热血沸腾, 又或则欣赏为人民和国家捐躯壮烈牺牲的精神, 还是满推荐的~~ 不过如果你像我, 讨厌战争,暴力,残忍,悲剧,及牺牲, 那请你听听故事就好~~O(∩_∩)O哈哈~


哈哈~~又是一部年度烂片~~有谁敢说好看?是时候去去提高自我素质啦~~千万不可因为迷恋偶像而盲目说好!!什么寻宝故事。。。。故事结构简直是垃圾!!没头没尾~东扯西扯~一个字:烂!出了很明显是在吹捧周董,其他的我看了都留三条线~像那个身上很多绳子的神秘人,到底是谁啊??太多太多的大牌“kelefe”。。。。真搞不懂为什么他们要接这部片。。。。嗯。。。真的超没有看头的。。。。绝对是一部烂片!!!!开头烂,故事烂,角色烂,结尾烂~烂烂烂!!! ops~~过了一部世纪烂片,来一部2009年尾最强档最精彩的吧!!!AVATAR!!BRAVO~~这是一部值得推荐的戏~~无论是剧情还是电脑特技,都是很精彩的一部戏。。。。故事说到人类的残忍,大自然的灾害其实来自于人类~~如何与大自然相处等等~~我最爱戏里那潘多拉星球的原始人的一个概念~~就是,人类的力量都是借大自然的,到最后死亡时就得还给大地~~这说明着人类的渺小。。。。还没看的人,其实我推荐你们去看3d的哦~~因为绝对不会后悔~~哈哈。。。为什么西片可以越做越棒,反之,香港片就。。。。唉。。。。不过,听说十月围城很不错哦~~我在期待。。。。希望能帮中文片扳回一城咯~~~^ ^"

new year~

yes~few days past by~what i had done in this few days?? ops~almost nothing~ now i am in holiday mode... everyday keep watch tv and sleep... very very boring~~ bored until i had nothing to write here~~ but.... i am very lucky to had some1 accompany me... in this damn bored life~~~ thanks~^ ^"