
目前顯示的是 11月, 2011的文章


最近很喜欢跟朋友去喝茶逛街 上次和Shinya她们特地到ioi mall吃Tutti Fruity 我知道它是ice-cream 却不知道它是yogurt ice-cream 结果。。 我拿了一堆酸溜溜的topping 再加上酸溜溜的ice-cream 吃到我眼睛都睁不开了~~ >.<....>.<....>.<.....>.< 这个是上次游泳后跟Evelyn和美凤 去叹茶~time 也是我第一次喝chatime的茶 上次在Geographer看见隔壁的chatime 排队排到出大路 想必一定很好喝! 我们3个兴致勃勃的一人买了一杯 结果 。。。。。 一个字:甜 甜 甜 甜 甜甜甜。。。 只有糖的味道~ 不会说难喝, 就,麻麻地啦~ 可是,还是很多人喝~ 而且,我还在继续帮衬。。 因为我想看看有没有其他口味 比较好喝~ Erm~ 好想喝“贡茶”♥

Graduation Ceremony

Today is my graduation ceremony...Daddy, Mummy, Brother, grandma & all my friends come for supporting me~haha~I'm very happy~this is the first and only time to wear gown~the gown looks really weird..=.="... I am grateful that all my family members purposely coming back for me~I can see how my father proud of me when he capture photo and video for me during i accept the certificate on the stage...He seems really happy!! I also specially thanks all my friends come for me...is touch guys~^^~i like the flowers so much~and i also thanks ah bui jiejie for the graduation gift...and the one i love, thank you~actually he got work that day, but because of me, he dump his work and follow his promises...Thanks dear~ The moment of accepting cert is....nervous, exited, and proud!!! Time to wait is long, but the time on stage is just a while~~I know I walk proudly on the stage even my result is not the best!!But at least, i dint disappointed my parent!!^^


谢谢我的朋友来为我庆生,我很开心呢~而且还是吃我最爱的Uncle Jang!!♥ 今天还请到我认识的新朋友Karen来,她的生日跟我差不多所以就跟她一起庆祝了~今天念慈还带了从韩国带回来的手信呢~那纸菜好好吃~~^^ 这片写有我名字的蛋糕,蛮特别的。。。一般上蛋糕都只写英文或马来名,很少有华语名的。。。还特地切中间给我吃~O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 当他们唱生日歌时,老板还很合作的把灯都关起来了。。。平时我来吃,别人唱他都没关灯的。。拿着蛋糕的我,看起来很幸福吧~有那么多好朋友~^^~我还要谢谢她们送的礼物呢~那只手表我一直都有戴,很喜欢,虽然那是一只没有号码的表。。。也许对我有另外的意义。。 姐妹们~谢谢你们啦~~真是超爱你们的啦!!!给你们5颗心!♥♥♥♥♥