
目前顯示的是 9月, 2009的文章


第一次公开记录我的感情部分。缘分有时不到你不信,就像现在的他,根本没想过会相遇。跟朋友说起我们的认识过程,大家还会觉得有点太复杂。从来就不相信一见钟情的我,竟然就是这样恋上了初次见面的他。 因为joan姐姐的关系,我认识了她的小叔-阿杨。因为阿杨的生日所以我认识了他。那个晚上原本阿杨要我跟他们两个男生去吃饭的,可是因为那时我还没见过他,所以觉得有点陌生而拒绝了。就这样,我们错过了第一次见面。 有听到joan姐姐她们谈起他哥哥,因为他哥哥之前曾经追求过啊盈姐姐。她们说他的人还不错,所以心里开始对这个人抱着好奇的感觉。随后,跟着阿杨去到cabana庆祝他的生日。原本大家都觉得说我是喜欢阿杨的,所以才会从kl去到jb为他庆生。 见过了阿杨所有的朋友们。大家都很友善,也很好奇我和阿杨的关系。在人群里我知道有一个人还没有到。直到他的出现,虽然没其他人友善,也没主动跟我打招呼,可是我猜得到他是谁。虽然后来在阿杨的介绍下他有跟我打招呼,但是冷酷的脸让我感觉到一丝不自在。 别与其他人,他给我的反应很冷淡,也没有其他人来的热情。这样的感觉让我有一点点的受伤。虽然我知道我不是大美人,可是至少问候应该该有吧。。。直到joan姐姐和jon哥哥来后我才比较自在呢。。。。可是~到最后才发现原来最注意我的人是他。 他跟我来自不同的世界,也许因为这样让我起了接受他的兴趣。可是,有别于上一次。经过第一次的教训,我这一次决定得更谨慎。这个A-Z都认识不完的人,华语字也没认识多少,认识的英语单词十个手指都算得完,初中2就辍学出来社会打工,我一直很慎重的考虑到底是否应该交往。我曾经想放弃,最后却被他的真诚所打败。我知道我们沟通有问题,但我没有嫌弃他,尝试接受他的缺点。从刚开始的好玩,到慢慢有了好感,喜欢到现在我已经不想离开他。他有着很多人看不起、不接受的程度。从不了解到明白,我感觉到他的后悔与自卑,也找到了我们沟通的方式。在那冷酷的脸下隐藏着多少不为人知的感伤。我心疼这个人,这个可以为我付出一切的男人。虽然我知道父母会不喜欢,我也不打算说服他们去接受他,因为我还不知道这条路到底能走多远。 说那么多也只是想记录我此刻的心情,爱他的决心。就算到最后结果不理想,我也不后悔曾经爱过这个傻傻的他。我想尽力改变现在的他,期望将来失去我的他,会比现在的他来的更强更自信。原本两条平行的线竟然能相遇,真是千里姻缘一线牵。


19/9- 今天一大早就被妈妈吵醒了,要我陪她吃早餐。刚巧今天是初一所以就陪她吃素去了。。。过后回到家就赶快收拾包袱因为等下大姐就要来在我去PD了~~没错,这次流浪行的第一站。第一次坐大姐的驾的车出游,感觉又好气又好笑。。。看她那半生不熟的技术实在叫人哭笑不得。。。幸好最终我们还是平安到达。。。等待“他”来载我的同时又去买几件衣服。。。很便宜很喜欢。随后,“他”就在我回他的家乡-麻坡-去了。。。回到去都已经差不多十点了,过后他坐摩多载我去逛街~风很凉,我穿了件外套还是感觉很冷。。紧紧抱着他,他的手也紧紧抓着我的手,感觉到这个人不会属于我很久,眼泪竟然落下。。惊觉自己已爱上这个人了。。。 20/9- 今天睡醒时已经很迟了,大概十点多吧。那个猪猪一直赖床不起床,害我要一直喊饿他才甘愿起身。梳洗后他带我去吃早餐了,这个笨蛋好像怕我饿死酱,一直叫多多东西给我吃。看到他就像看到我父亲对我妈一样好。不是用说的,反而是用行动告诉你他有多在乎你。虽然知道刚开始男生都是这样的,可是难免还是会感动。一个眼神就能知道我要什么,不断改进,所有我爱与不爱都能尽量满足我,所以就算短暂我也不后悔开始这段感情。他还带我去看猴子,哪里真的有好多猴子呢~~比以前我在猴子山看到的还要多好多。。。他们都不怕人的。。有一只爬上对面车的车顶,然后又跳去另一辆车顶,调皮得很,我说他像猴子一样调皮,他笑着说是,然后轻轻吻我。晚一些,他带我去吃鱼翅粥然后去海边散步,但是我觉得是喂蚊子多点。。哈哈。。大概十点我们就起程回新山了。这一次,他竟然驾得出乎意料的慢。原来因为今晚我要到joan的家睡所以他为了见我多一会所以忍着睡意一路慢慢行驶,只为多看我几眼,多相处一会。 21/9- 今天,他下新加坡工作了,我就驾他的车跟joan姐姐去逛街。第一次驾比我小霸王大的车,而且是auto的,不太熟,感觉蛮害怕,不过越驾越顺,还驾很快呢~~哈哈。。去到sutera mall,刚巧遇到twister在办考试,好多人围观。看见noel,不过没打招呼因为她在当评审。。。。我跟joan姐姐两个人就走了三四个小时,如果再加啊盈姐姐的话肯定走更久。。。我买了衣服,丝袜,耳环,还有一件很可爱的衣服给“他”。。。那件衣服真的很可爱~~第一次买衣服给他,不太知道尺寸,随便买了件,幸好他身材不错,穿起来还蛮合身的。他看起来蛮喜欢的。O(∩_∩)O~ 番...


yeah~ 又放假啦~~刚刚开学两个星期又放假~多得马来年咯。。。 虽然这次的放假父母都在kl,可是我还是使劲浑身解数,为的就是逃离这个让人呼吸困难的城市~ 每天除了上课就是工作。。。完全失去了我原本的生活色彩~~ 从前那个自由自在,无拘无束的我,早在某些事发生后消失了一半。。。 可是在父母搬回来之后却开始受束缚了~~ 很多事都已经无法随心所欲去任性了。。。 纵然我还是会抽时间好好放松自己。。。 但是,在开学后却倍感压力~~所以适当的放假与偷懒会是充电的力量。。。 “休息是为了走更长远的路” 我,放监啦~~~O(∩_∩)O哈哈~

yoyo....busy life

recently damn busy but happy... just want feel the satisfactory within the busy hours... for my study, i become sleep worm in class...eh~not during lecturer teaching lah!!is on break time and lunch hour....cause i really cant tahan already...damn sleepy...but i try my best to concentrate in class when lecturer teaching, even my eye cant open but my ears will keep 100% switch on loh~~kakaka... for my pitstop job, i am more n more easy handle all the stuff at here already...even relationship between customers and me or boss and me or frens and me, i also can manage a good result for it...just some times will feel damn tired when i work after school without nap....but most the time i am enjoy to working here...a thing make me down only is shinya went back jb for 3days so i just work with her 1 day dis week only....sienzz~~she is my entertain tools~~kekekeke...^O^ for my watson job, i am so glad that i no need to go back sg wang and work...now i just keep working at bandar utama only~~staf...

opening school~*latest news*

yup~opening school adi...finally, daddy mummy had been come back to stay with me~~^^maybe u wont know what the feel when u go home but nobody at home, so u may not know how the feel when u saw the light were on, the fan were moving on,how warm the sound come from inside and the person who open the door for u when u reach home....yaya~this is what i mean family~some people they may not appreciate what they got just like me few years b4~~ then now i will had my dinner with them even lunch if i just having my class in the morning~finally i need not to find any1 alse to accompany me for my meal~~sounds pity rite???hahaha...ya~thats my life for 2years more adi....but something are not good as well...erm...the most big effect is i cant even go anywhere alse up 2me adi~but,i think the benefit are always more than the disadvantage loh~~haha...love to saw them everyday~~ another thing is my new semester...haiz...faint~~~gonna take 5subject for this sem and the time table are rushes too...haiz~~...


最近,爱上情歌~ 不管旧的或是新的。。。 可能是感同身受所以听起来, 感觉更深刻~~ "so let me come to you.......to feel your heart beating fast...darling so share with me....shall i be the one for you?...." ---eyes on me "You''ll hold me in your arms, and say once again you''ll love me. And that your love is true, everything will be just as wonderful. " -----a lover's concerto "2drifters, off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. We're after the same rainbow's end, waitin' 'round the bend....My huckleberry friend, Moon River, and me" ---moon river 听着这些歌就会让我想起他~ 虽然不懂未来有多远,但我相信缘分~ 此刻的心情就像情歌里的女主角一样, 相信着他们的爱情~~ 就算没有未来又怎样?真爱过就不会遗憾。。。 真的,越听越甜蜜~越听越感动~ Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme ---beauty and the beast^.^

~~happy MerDeKa~~

30/8/09 today is the MErdEka Eve, i got some frenz from jb come kl for holiday~ because of them, i got chance to know this place~4happy Season Restaurant~ this reataurant got 4spaces in 4types of condition....spring,summer,autumn & winter~ i not dare to go each of the space to take picture so i just take the picture of where i had my seat only~~~we sit at the autumn space~ actually there got up stairs and down stairs...spring and summer are at ground and autumn & winter are on top...ofcause we will prefer sit on up stairs...we pass tru the winter space, there are in white design but blue light inside~~COOL man~~there r really cool inside and they also prepare some jacket for the customer inside here...but, we prefer sit outside even the sky look like wanna rain already...==" but all my frenz keep scoling me because i keep saying rain RaIn rAiN....kekeke~XD the feel is good and the view is nice~~very romantic, a good choice for couple~~food is ok~~not bad... this is fion a...