~~happy MerDeKa~~
today is the MErdEka Eve, i got some frenz from jb come kl for holiday~
because of them, i got chance to know this place~4happy Season Restaurant~

this reataurant got 4spaces in 4types of condition....spring,summer,autumn & winter~
i not dare to go each of the space to take picture so i just take the picture of where i had my seat only~~~we sit at the autumn space~

actually there got up stairs and down stairs...spring and summer are at ground and autumn & winter are on top...ofcause we will prefer sit on up stairs...we pass tru the winter space, there are in white design but blue light inside~~COOL man~~there r really cool inside and they also prepare some jacket for the customer inside here...but, we prefer sit outside even the sky look like wanna rain already...==" but all my frenz keep scoling me because i keep saying rain RaIn rAiN....kekeke~XD

the feel is good and the view is nice~~very romantic, a good choice for couple~~food is ok~~not bad...
this is fion and mine drinks~~simple nice...sour plum & green tea~~
this is lian's drinks~erm...dono what with sea coconut already....but look nice...taste ar...not sure cos i dint test~~hehe..
ah yang's drinks...erm~~nicest look among all the drinks..taste also not sure....but they didnt complaint so i think not bad too....(they are very yimjim 1...)hahaxx~~
ah hui's drinks...manggo ice blended...look ok la..taste good...but abit too sweet...>.<
lian's meal...4season fried rice...taste is ok but not special...fion sis say no focus or no point...because just simple taste...
ah yang & ah hui's meal...pineapple fried rice...erm~look nice but taste also not special...
this is special~i like it so much~~~the orange color is not shashimi but is just a sos..dono is thousand island or salad sos lah...but abit sour taste make it delicious~~
hoho~~~this is my meal~~fried beehoon~~arhahahaha...do u think i am so stupid bcos choose a simple meal??cheh...tell u guys, i taste all the main course among us, mine is the best taste~~hahaha!!!they also give same comment....look not nice but taste good~~heng!XP
this is fion sis's pasta....creamy...not type i like....very~~zei.....cant eat much 1~~yark...but~~actually not bad also la...just i dont like creamy....=="
today is the MErdEka Eve, i got some frenz from jb come kl for holiday~
because of them, i got chance to know this place~4happy Season Restaurant~
this reataurant got 4spaces in 4types of condition....spring,summer,autumn & winter~
i not dare to go each of the space to take picture so i just take the picture of where i had my seat only~~~we sit at the autumn space~
actually there got up stairs and down stairs...spring and summer are at ground and autumn & winter are on top...ofcause we will prefer sit on up stairs...we pass tru the winter space, there are in white design but blue light inside~~COOL man~~there r really cool inside and they also prepare some jacket for the customer inside here...but, we prefer sit outside even the sky look like wanna rain already...==" but all my frenz keep scoling me because i keep saying rain RaIn rAiN....kekeke~XD
the feel is good and the view is nice~~very romantic, a good choice for couple~~food is ok~~not bad...
after we finish our dinner, i need to rush back for working....i wish i can off~~but i already promise my boss to give help on this merdeka count down....and i suppose to work on 8pm but i start work on 10pm...keke...at least i go loh~~~hhehehe...