big supprise^_^
Jang jaNg JAng jAnG~~~~hahaxx^^this is my dream car~~for local 1 only la...actually i like civic and city 1...(>.<)

white color in full spec~~
yeah~but i still wondering which 1 is more suit for me...i had no idea in car sector at all~~i need friend suggestion even i actually had my own idea already~~but...many bad sound toward myvi also..i scared that i would make the wrong decision...
after i back from school, i am so "supprise" that my house is in renovation process...=="...what they doing there??later i only know that my dad was try to make our home as a karaoke room...he put 2 big speakers in the hall and 1 air-cond here i tell my friend next time no need to go green box already just come my home la~~hahaxx.... home is damn dirty~haiz...i am so tired but still cant take bath and rest...some more later i need to help mummy clean up the place....what else can i do...T_T
ur dad so great~~~ hehe