
目前顯示的是 2009的文章


距离新的一年不到24小时了~ 大家又有什么新的愿望呢? 与其说愿望,不如说目标~ 实现愿望机会太渺小了~ 达到目标还来得实际~ 想想我好象从来就不曾为自己订任何目标~ 每年我都是期待开开心心期待新年, 平平安安的结束每一年~ 今年,大家有任何好收获吗? 还是,遗留任何遗憾或感慨? 我,今年~ 认识了很多很多朋友~ 舞蹈界的朋友,打散工的朋友,同窗的朋友,还有其他突如其来的朋友。。。 也得到了很多工作经验~~ 当然还得到很多人的疼爱~~~ 是最最幸福的一年了~~~ 而且很开心,去了好几个国家旅行~ 印尼巴厘岛,新加坡圣淘沙,泰国合艾~~~ 见识变得更广了~~ 爱情路上也经历不少风雨~ 得到不少经验。。。 很开心,当我不开心时或有困难时, 总有家人及好朋友的支持~~ 也很开心父母回来陪我住了~~ 看到朋友得到幸福也很开心~~ 像我隔壁的霍老师,blurblur小姐,及左眼姐姐~ 都找到属于她们的幸福了~~ 希望2010年能为某人带来好运~ 期待他的每一个明天都是最明亮最幸运的!!! 真的是最幸福的一年了~~~ 虽然有笑容也有眼泪, 但是,回忆里只精选最美好的片段。。。 怀念2009年~~瞻望2010年有更美好的明天~~


18/12/09 我和ahbui姐姐跟随我妈妈的师姐团到泰国合艾城去游玩了~趁着这个学期的结束,我也应该好好的休息一番了~大约8个小时的车程,睡得好累啊!!颈都快歪一边去啦~哈哈。。本来以为接近关口应该很快就到达目的地,结果。。。。。关口人山人海~~好可惜忘记拍下来让大家见识见识~真是的。。。单单我从巴士上走路到关卡就经过了接近40辆的巴士~每一辆巴士大概载40人~你说要等多久呢??=.=" 幸好,我妈很有经验滴带着我们一行人用别的方法提早到达目的地了。。。 到达目的地时,我都已经饿晕啦~妈妈就赶快带着我和ahbui姐姐去吃 最 最 好吃的 猪脚饭啦 ~~真的超好吃的~我不会形容,不过如果有机会,大家记得也要去试试哦!!^^ 这里除了有好吃的猪脚饭,当然少不了泰国出名的东炎汤啦!!!够辣够酸,但是家家味道都不一样哦~~他们的食物跟我们这里的真的有差~~就连泰式清蒸鱼也不是像我们这里的只有姜和蒜的味道,他们会放酸柑~~超级酸的啦!!!不过那鱼的酱汁超鲜甜的,而且带点酸酸的,真的好开胃哦!!!接下来当然就是购物啦~~东西是还蛮便宜的啦~~其实跟这里巴杀的东西价格差不远,不过有的衣服美美的就真的还蛮值得。。。 第一天到他们所谓的巴杀去逛街,里面感觉不通风,很闷~不过东西超级多!而且店主很爱把价钱开的高高的,其实可以杀价杀很多哦!!像ahbui姐姐的宝宝原本开价好像是六十多,结果三十多就买到了~~~妈咪的是姐妹们可是在这一轮的扫货当中上了一堂杀价课呢~哈哈。。。 我还去了好多地方哦~这次的旅程让我看到很多事,看到异国风情~看到商人们为了做生意学华语~也看到好多国外华人到这个充满商机的地方做生意。。。虽然这只是一个小型城市,但是竟然有让我想再到回去的感觉~~哈哈~~更多照片就要浏览我的照片部落格咯~~^ ^.. http://www.wretch.cc/blog/purplechess

finish of year 2 sem1

yes~~~finally i finish my year 2 semester 1 luu~~ so happy because i rush out all my assignment already~~ now just leave only 1 presentation and 2more exam... i hope that i will not fail any subject again~~ god bless me~~~wuwu....T.T yesterday we celebrate 小力 21th birthday~ at their home.... JANG JANG!!!her birthday cake~~ tomorow i go hatyai luu~~ yeah~~i wish to go long time ago but this time i hope i cant go... bcos many things i want to do actually.. i wish to go battle ground la.. i wish to join noel workshop la... i wish to join dance show la... haiz~~but i already promise mummy go thailand.. so i cant regret now~ nevermind...anyway, i will enjoy my trip~ hope i will have a beatiful n wonderful year end trip~ Y^>^Y


风云2... 基本上我是抱着没事做去看戏的心情去看这部电影的。。。想说上一部好像还不错不如第二辑也去看看有什么突破吧~~可是。。。。算我不懂欣赏。整部电影除了电脑效果做出来的打斗场面,故事根本没什么惊喜~也许这就是原本的故事吧。。。故事根本没重点,反派也只是点缀。。。卖弄的也只是肌肉男与电脑特技。唉~两个多小时的故事我可以用一分钟就把故事完整的告诉你。。。也许这是给风云迷看的吧~~只是把书中的故事现实化吗?所以我根本不懂意义在哪里~ 青蛙与公主。。。 虽然这只是一部动画,可是得到的感动与意义却和风云大大不同。。。述说着一个为理想而坚持的灵魂,最终得到幸福的梦想~虽然到最后那有点可笑的萤火虫牺牲了自己,但是却成为了天上的星星,与他的爱人厮守终生~好一部浪漫的动画~回归原始,手工制做的一部卡通。。。故事里看到的是无限的创意。。。很多很细小的情节,让我发现原来人的创意可以是无限的~~怎么让人有惊喜,真是一大学问啊~~风云相比之下,缺少的不止是一成不变,更加是毫无意义。。。为什么同时改编的剧本,在我眼里却又天渊之别呢??


夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏 再美的花也会有凋谢的一天~ 一起看过的月亮,漫天的星光,火红的太阳~ 承诺手牵手的流星,会实现吗? 说过的话,会成真吗? 三个月的魔咒,有把握打败吗? 我,不知道。。。


上星期阿辉从jb送来了我的礼物, 那是他答应送我的桌子。 一张桌子已经包含了许多爱意。 看到他搬移和装订的背影, 我看到诚意与感动。 我忍住转过头假装忙功课 是因为我怕自己会心软。 看他好认真的样子, 我在幻想着他在制造这张桌子时是何等认真。 真是一张爱心桌子, 只可惜它被设计得一颗分了的心。 桌脚两边分别用半颗心来撑住, 象征我们远距离的心永远隔着一样的距离分割两边, 看得见却碰不到的悲哀。 是我辜负了他, 昨天是他的生日, 我答应过他会陪他过生日的, 可是我不守承诺, 连个电话也忍住不打。 只怕冲动的后果是我们都承担不了。。。 生日快乐,我的前宝贝。

i hate

i hate assignment~ i hate exam~ i hate irresponsible lecturer~ i hate tention life~ i hate missunderstanding~ i hate quarrer~ i hate messy life~ i hate moody feel~ i hate trustLESS~ i hate what i hate~ but i still need to adapt to it... this call LIFE~ aaggrrrrr!!!!!!

gathering at Dailou's new house

last friday, we held a reunion at kum hing's new house located near tmn equine. it is already quite full member gathering because only less kitman and yoke ming~long time didnt meet all the girls n guys but still didnt feel strange within the gathering~this is what call "lou yau"~~hahaXX actually on the way to kumhing house was having a lot problems~but..there were some secret behind this~hahaha....so our car which drive by evelyn and fetching me, munkuin and honlim were reach much more late than the others~ today i am not stay that long time with them because i need to stole some time for my another date which is secretly in held~haha....so sorry guys~cant accompany u all to chat more....but at least u all are happy in this gathering then enough loh~~haha^^


我不开心。 不开心。 不开心。 问题总是不会结束。 事情都没有完美的解决方法。 到最后会是怎样? 我不懂。 不舍得还是要舍得。 不可以那么自私。 我。。真残忍。


it was a unpredictable world when all the incident cant be just arrive in the next 10 minutes or lesser... i just go watch this movie yesterday night with cheewoon. the movie is so touch and scary as well.... how people to accept the crue fact in just few minutes?some people are selfish and some are not.... in this movie show the real characteristic about human...people who selfish like the super fat boxer actually is also a kind and good father~ this show that the base of the human being is actually kind~i am not so like this movie...because of the crueness it show... no matter how clever does human thought they can control the world but actually natural is not the part of it... in front of unpredictable disaster, human become so small and so helpless...

after spoil

what spoil did u in the picture?? in the flower? the glass? or the flower in glass??but i saw a butterfly in green color under the piano... did u saw that?? its beautiful~ this picture give me some idea~ people always get hurt in their life~ love, friends, family, career~ but, before getting hurt, we just a caterpillar inside a glass pupa... having the process of metamorphosis after getting hurt, the glass will spoil.. and then came out with a brand new life~ a beautiful butterfly~ so, people... don ever scared hurt....its just a way to grow~

new phone~

today buying new handphone~ i want happy actually... i think i should happy actually... i feel i want happy actually... i am happy just now actually... but not now.... i am a person who can think too much... i am so stupid and damn unsecure person... i...i....i....i............................. i buy a new handphone today.... w705 pink in color....

bad luck vs good luck

today i thought i am good luck, bcos i rush my coursework in last minute this morning.. then after all the preparation, i depart to school in the afternoon... i dress nicely and put some make up to made me more confidence in presentation... who know....i wait n wait for 3hours.... i had no mood to present already... all the coursemate fight for the sequence of presentation... i dont dare to fight with them...they are so fierce~~ so i am bad luck~~ furthermore, i forgot to bring wallet today... car no petrol, handphone no battery... no mood, no luck.... haiz~~~ but later, i go yum cha with hwei wuen at puchong, hwei wuen always help me when i got problem... got such a fren always accompany me... i am so lucky~~~ then honlim come to fetch me bcos my car park at my school... i got a such good fren is so lucky~~ then cheewoon fetch me go back school to take back my car~~ when i got problem i just can thinking about him... got such a person beside me, i am so lucky~~ finally i realize, afte...


today i need to rush out my assignment for tomorrow presentation... i am so boring but still need to do this... i am missing my boy who really work hard make me force myself to work hard also... i must finish the thing that need to pass up this week, then only i will got time to accompany my dear this weekend... today is quite lucky~bcos... this morning suppose to have a presentation for marketing class... who knows, the lecturer talk talk talk~~~~~~~ then time pass n pass n pass..... yeah~~~time to go back!!! then just pospone loh~~haha...^O^ i dont like assignment...i like dating, like shopping, like gathering, like partying~ hohoho^O^...after this suffer period sure i want some relax days for my holiday!!! today, ntg special happen...just boring...until i asleep.... i remember when i come back home, during i drive, my eyes like wanna close and closer and closer~~ many times i suddenly break bcos i felt that i almost lost direction... i slap myself for many times just want to be more...


tonite mummy didnt cook so i waiting some1 to bring me for dinner... i wait n wait n wait.. even im damn hungry but i still feeling exited... because i can go pasar malam at sg long tonite~~ wakakaka^O^ i go thr with the 1 damn important to me... we go cheras batu11 eat pan mee~~yoyo... then he buy dvd for me...and he buy animation...==" today i go his home saw his mum, dad and sis.... i like the way he told others that i am his girl fren~ hahaha^O^... love u~my boy...

black guy

today, got a black guy want to know me...yer~~dont know what that feel...some kind like u not really want to talk but still need to entertain him. he ask my name la, where i stay like, where i from la, how many sibling i have la...look like want "cha ka zhap"...=.=" after i answering all his question he ask again...ask me why i dont ask back him...duangiao~=.="i didnt interest at all... actually he is from nigeria...he told me he is 26...he drive to school....but..what did this thing related to me??duangiao~+.+" haha...i just miss another black guy who is work under the rain only~~miss him so much~^^

angel in purple

did u believe this world got angel?? then what do you feel with purple color?? how about angel in purple?? is it an evil who pretend as a angel?? or an angel who drop from the heaven into hell?? people always think angel should in white color~ the color stand for innocence~ but how about purple color? secret, evil, dirty or sexy?? if i could be an angel, i hope that i am an angel in purple color...

the fourth kind

today i go for a movie named The Fourth Kind. i had no idea about the story about this movie before i choose to watch it...but i felt that i heard some 1 said this movie not bad before... actually this is a movie about alien and UFO...the movie actually is based on a true story...according to the story, there have 4 kind of contact with alien~ 1st: saw the object of alien, eg: UFO 2nd: found the evidence, eg: unexpexted and unreasonable situation and things 3rd: touch the Things, eg: alien or UFO 4th: kidnaping by the alien or UFO from the movie there got real video that can see that is something really happen at certain place..but there are not really clear to see it because there will be some kind of radioactive that can affect the electronical function..and we can ever heard the recording sound that are horror like a monster scream...they try to take away some human but actually human still cant know what exactly they want from us...because no 1 will back from there...so some people...


sweet is some kind of good things... maybe is taste or can be feel... erm~this few days i feel sweet and happy... many things happen in this week... happy, sad, exited, upset... my emotion keep changing because of some 1~ erm~my bf~hehe...^o^ i want go watch 2012... he promise me to bring me for this movie loh... hoho~~when leh?? next week i dont know whether i got time to watch or not.. because too many coursework need to do... haiz~~i wish to see him everyday oh...hehe..^o^


silence can be good or bad. silence within friends is so awful, no topic chat would be weird... but in love... silence is a high level of communication. enjoy the silence of the world for 2people, but would never felt uncomfortable... i can used to that, but how about u?


yesterday night i go yakiyaki with 1geng of frens in pitstop... got staff and customer of pitstop as well~~^^ this is the 1st time i go this restaurant... i bring cheewoon go also...i wonder could he join in the situstion.. but he did it...i want to gave 100% but... he stole my abalone sushi!!! so i minus 20%~haha..(x_x) i like the abalone so much~ this is the 1st time i felt abalone are so deliciouse.... but i felt upset lo~cause i go and order the abalone they dont serve me oh.. why mokmok go they serve 1?wuwu...~~~~(>_ MOKMOK!!!! I DIDNT STOMACHACHE TODAY LOH~SO ALL THE FOOD U COOK YESTERDAY NIGHT IS COOKED ENOUGH~~HAHA(XoX)

msn instant message

i like receive message suddenly from some1 else everytime i sign in msn.. the feel really good seem like some1 would missing u that time.. i still remember got 1 period i always leave some msg for some1 everyday.. but now i told him i no need to do this so... i thought i will became a habit to do that for him.. but fortunately, it was hard to create a habit.. now i got some1 who will leave msg in msn for me... i like the feel, the message and the person as well~


this morning i slept over cause yesterday night i "shi mian"... because my brain keep running the memories yesterday night~ until morning 5.30 only can sleep... so, now i damn tired... i try to wait n wait n wait... i wait for msn, sms n phone call... but den, dissappointed me... i want sleep already... really cant tahan....miz u, good nite

Gary Barlow-forever love

Love it has so many beautiful faces Sharing lives and sharing days My love it had so many empty spaces I'm sharing a memory nowI hope that's how it stays Now I'm deep inside love and still breathing She is holding my heart in her hand I'm the closest I've been to believing This could be love forever All throughout my life the reasons I've demanded But how can I reason with the reason I'm a man In a minute I'm needing to hold her In an hour I'm cold, cold as stone When she leaves it gets harder and harder to face life alone Now my dreams are filled with times when we're together Guess what I need from her is forever love

my secret garden

i create a new blog for my secret... i wrote our things inside.... i dont wan let the story expose under the public... i wont let any1 step in unless my best friends... there are some deep secret in my heart... even him i also wont approve to step in... good luck for me.... all the best for u.... ^^

big supprise^_^

well, i felt damn happy today~so much supprise today~this morning i receive a news from my mum, daddy said want me to choose a car that i want to buy...this is because of my grandpa's old car was too old but my dad still dont want to sell it, but because of thid many relatives start unsatisfy with his decision...so now, he decide to use the old car cert to exchange the 1st paid for a new local car...even this stuff they mention long time ago but this morning only comfirm with me... Jang jaNg JAng jAnG~~~~hahaxx^^this is my dream car~~for local 1 only la...actually i like civic and city 1...(>. white color in full spec~~ yeah~but i still wondering which 1 is more suit for me...i had no idea in car sector at all~~i need friend suggestion even i actually had my own idea already~~but...many bad sound toward myvi also..i scared that i would make the wrong decision... after i back from school, i am so "supprise" that my house is in renovation process...=="...what they...


被点到必填,不填代表你不尊重传给你的人和问卷。 (1) 请老实的回答每一个问题。 (2) 不行擅自塗改題目。 (3) 写完请点10位小朋友,不可不点。 (4) 点完后请通知那10位小朋友他被点到了。 1. peyshan 2. sam 3. shirley 4. kidz 5. 幸 6. carmen 7. 红绫 8. peipei 9. lianchee 10. honlim 01-[ 4号认识6号吗? ] :: no 02-[ 10号是男还是女? ] :: male 03-[ 8号的兴趣是? ] :: make more friends 04-[ 1号有没有兄弟姐妹? ] :: got 05-[ 7号姓氏? ] :: dont know oh... 06-[ 10号人缘好吗? ] :: super good 07-[ 4号有人追吗? ] :: dont know leh 08-[ 承上2号呢? ] :: i think got loh 09-[ 6号喜欢的颜色是? ] :: dono 10-[ 3号和10号是朋友吗? ] :: yup 11-[ 8号的生日是? ] :: july 12-[ 5号读哪呢? ] :: working but got part time study (dono wat skul) 13-[ 你怎么认识10号的? ] :: school 14-[ 你跟1号的生日差几个月? ] :: 1 or 2 gua... 15-[ 你和9号有出去玩过吗? ] :: yaya 16-[ 你喜欢和2号聊天吗? ] :: yaya 17-[ 你喜欢和3号在一起吗? ] :: yaya 18-[ 你觉得7号人怎么样? ] :: cute & nice 19-[ 你觉得9号人怎么样? ] :: super cute & nice 20-[ 你爱5号吗? ] :: long time ago 1. 是谁传給你这份问卷的 :: peyshan 2. 你们认识多久呢 :: 1 year gua 3. 你觉得他(她)对你來说很重要吗 :: off cause la... 4. 你与他(她)的关系是 :: friend 5. 你覺得他(她)的個性如何 :: cute & fun 6. 请问他(她)的兴趣是 :: take picture her...

stop working!!

yes, i stop working now...happy to back to my freedom life~but now i still busyING for my college life~finally i can concentrate in study now.... mummy will be happy, cause she no need to worry abt my security while i always back late... coursemate will happy, cause finally i can spent more time to discuss our assignment now... my friends will happy, cause i can join them back for the funny crazy life although my parents are here now~~ and the most happiest is me, cause now i can have more time to do my work and accompany my family and friendzz~~muakzz... but my boss will headache~cause my suddenly resign may cause them some employment problem... even i am happy to get my freedom back, but i will still memorize all the happy things during the working period with my dearest collegues..... recently i am really miss some one...without any reason...maybe long time no see or maybe long time no contact~~i had no this feeling long time ago...may i miss u???


这个星期难得放假就决定到马六甲去玩玩。。。谁知,乐极生悲。 我的电话,最爱的电话,在马六甲文化街被扒掉了。 真难过。说不出的难受。 可是,我已经习以为常了。因为这不是第一次了。 这次我也有哭,可是并没有大哭,因为他在我身边。 我超不想让他担心我的,还有她。 这是我提议出来玩的,大家都那么的配合我。 不想把场子弄冷掉,所以我忍住不想。就当是发了一场梦吧。。。 可是。。。记忆卡没了,回忆也被弄丢了。 该怎么寻回呢? 心情很复杂。发现时是刚好听到有人钱包被扒掉所以自我检查一下。 结果就出事了。。。离别时痛哭也不晓得因为他还是它了。 在这里告诉大家,要找我请用016-7177765.


♪♪ 祝我生日快乐~ 祝我生日快乐~♪♪ ♪祝我生日快乐~♪ 祝我生日快乐~~~♪ 又大一岁了~~今天在pitstop吃了很想生面的皇帝面,我称它皇后面~ 代替蛋糕的面条~证明了没人记得的生日。 本来没有不开心的,也没什么特别开心, 可是。。。 他忘记了。。。不懂为什么很难过。。。 虽然他已经特地从新山下来陪我, 可是因为他忘记,感觉他并不太在乎。。。 所以,我没说什么。。。 也不懂说什么。。。 就是难过。 纵然知道他愧疚,可是还是会难过。


可能因为内疚还是什么原因,我还在留意他的消息。基本上已失去联系,但是却还是忍不住想知道他的近况。好像看看他,问问他:你最近好吗? 想知道他是不是也一样还在看我的部落格,是不是还在留意我的去向。想跟他说,我现在很好,很幸福。从他的部落格发现他在想念一个人,会是我吗? 老实说,我希望不是。我猜你现在生活应该不错,应该很充实。我不会打扰你的生活。只是想让你知道对我来说我们永远是朋友。 祝福你早日找到属于你自己的幸福。^_^


第一次公开记录我的感情部分。缘分有时不到你不信,就像现在的他,根本没想过会相遇。跟朋友说起我们的认识过程,大家还会觉得有点太复杂。从来就不相信一见钟情的我,竟然就是这样恋上了初次见面的他。 因为joan姐姐的关系,我认识了她的小叔-阿杨。因为阿杨的生日所以我认识了他。那个晚上原本阿杨要我跟他们两个男生去吃饭的,可是因为那时我还没见过他,所以觉得有点陌生而拒绝了。就这样,我们错过了第一次见面。 有听到joan姐姐她们谈起他哥哥,因为他哥哥之前曾经追求过啊盈姐姐。她们说他的人还不错,所以心里开始对这个人抱着好奇的感觉。随后,跟着阿杨去到cabana庆祝他的生日。原本大家都觉得说我是喜欢阿杨的,所以才会从kl去到jb为他庆生。 见过了阿杨所有的朋友们。大家都很友善,也很好奇我和阿杨的关系。在人群里我知道有一个人还没有到。直到他的出现,虽然没其他人友善,也没主动跟我打招呼,可是我猜得到他是谁。虽然后来在阿杨的介绍下他有跟我打招呼,但是冷酷的脸让我感觉到一丝不自在。 别与其他人,他给我的反应很冷淡,也没有其他人来的热情。这样的感觉让我有一点点的受伤。虽然我知道我不是大美人,可是至少问候应该该有吧。。。直到joan姐姐和jon哥哥来后我才比较自在呢。。。。可是~到最后才发现原来最注意我的人是他。 他跟我来自不同的世界,也许因为这样让我起了接受他的兴趣。可是,有别于上一次。经过第一次的教训,我这一次决定得更谨慎。这个A-Z都认识不完的人,华语字也没认识多少,认识的英语单词十个手指都算得完,初中2就辍学出来社会打工,我一直很慎重的考虑到底是否应该交往。我曾经想放弃,最后却被他的真诚所打败。我知道我们沟通有问题,但我没有嫌弃他,尝试接受他的缺点。从刚开始的好玩,到慢慢有了好感,喜欢到现在我已经不想离开他。他有着很多人看不起、不接受的程度。从不了解到明白,我感觉到他的后悔与自卑,也找到了我们沟通的方式。在那冷酷的脸下隐藏着多少不为人知的感伤。我心疼这个人,这个可以为我付出一切的男人。虽然我知道父母会不喜欢,我也不打算说服他们去接受他,因为我还不知道这条路到底能走多远。 说那么多也只是想记录我此刻的心情,爱他的决心。就算到最后结果不理想,我也不后悔曾经爱过这个傻傻的他。我想尽力改变现在的他,期望将来失去我的他,会比现在的他来的更强更自信。原本两条平行的线竟然能相遇,真是千里姻缘一线牵。


19/9- 今天一大早就被妈妈吵醒了,要我陪她吃早餐。刚巧今天是初一所以就陪她吃素去了。。。过后回到家就赶快收拾包袱因为等下大姐就要来在我去PD了~~没错,这次流浪行的第一站。第一次坐大姐的驾的车出游,感觉又好气又好笑。。。看她那半生不熟的技术实在叫人哭笑不得。。。幸好最终我们还是平安到达。。。等待“他”来载我的同时又去买几件衣服。。。很便宜很喜欢。随后,“他”就在我回他的家乡-麻坡-去了。。。回到去都已经差不多十点了,过后他坐摩多载我去逛街~风很凉,我穿了件外套还是感觉很冷。。紧紧抱着他,他的手也紧紧抓着我的手,感觉到这个人不会属于我很久,眼泪竟然落下。。惊觉自己已爱上这个人了。。。 20/9- 今天睡醒时已经很迟了,大概十点多吧。那个猪猪一直赖床不起床,害我要一直喊饿他才甘愿起身。梳洗后他带我去吃早餐了,这个笨蛋好像怕我饿死酱,一直叫多多东西给我吃。看到他就像看到我父亲对我妈一样好。不是用说的,反而是用行动告诉你他有多在乎你。虽然知道刚开始男生都是这样的,可是难免还是会感动。一个眼神就能知道我要什么,不断改进,所有我爱与不爱都能尽量满足我,所以就算短暂我也不后悔开始这段感情。他还带我去看猴子,哪里真的有好多猴子呢~~比以前我在猴子山看到的还要多好多。。。他们都不怕人的。。有一只爬上对面车的车顶,然后又跳去另一辆车顶,调皮得很,我说他像猴子一样调皮,他笑着说是,然后轻轻吻我。晚一些,他带我去吃鱼翅粥然后去海边散步,但是我觉得是喂蚊子多点。。哈哈。。大概十点我们就起程回新山了。这一次,他竟然驾得出乎意料的慢。原来因为今晚我要到joan的家睡所以他为了见我多一会所以忍着睡意一路慢慢行驶,只为多看我几眼,多相处一会。 21/9- 今天,他下新加坡工作了,我就驾他的车跟joan姐姐去逛街。第一次驾比我小霸王大的车,而且是auto的,不太熟,感觉蛮害怕,不过越驾越顺,还驾很快呢~~哈哈。。去到sutera mall,刚巧遇到twister在办考试,好多人围观。看见noel,不过没打招呼因为她在当评审。。。。我跟joan姐姐两个人就走了三四个小时,如果再加啊盈姐姐的话肯定走更久。。。我买了衣服,丝袜,耳环,还有一件很可爱的衣服给“他”。。。那件衣服真的很可爱~~第一次买衣服给他,不太知道尺寸,随便买了件,幸好他身材不错,穿起来还蛮合身的。他看起来蛮喜欢的。O(∩_∩)O~ 番...


yeah~ 又放假啦~~刚刚开学两个星期又放假~多得马来年咯。。。 虽然这次的放假父母都在kl,可是我还是使劲浑身解数,为的就是逃离这个让人呼吸困难的城市~ 每天除了上课就是工作。。。完全失去了我原本的生活色彩~~ 从前那个自由自在,无拘无束的我,早在某些事发生后消失了一半。。。 可是在父母搬回来之后却开始受束缚了~~ 很多事都已经无法随心所欲去任性了。。。 纵然我还是会抽时间好好放松自己。。。 但是,在开学后却倍感压力~~所以适当的放假与偷懒会是充电的力量。。。 “休息是为了走更长远的路” 我,放监啦~~~O(∩_∩)O哈哈~

yoyo....busy life

recently damn busy but happy... just want feel the satisfactory within the busy hours... for my study, i become sleep worm in class...eh~not during lecturer teaching lah!!is on break time and lunch hour....cause i really cant tahan already...damn sleepy...but i try my best to concentrate in class when lecturer teaching, even my eye cant open but my ears will keep 100% switch on loh~~kakaka... for my pitstop job, i am more n more easy handle all the stuff at here already...even relationship between customers and me or boss and me or frens and me, i also can manage a good result for it...just some times will feel damn tired when i work after school without nap....but most the time i am enjoy to working here...a thing make me down only is shinya went back jb for 3days so i just work with her 1 day dis week only....sienzz~~she is my entertain tools~~kekekeke...^O^ for my watson job, i am so glad that i no need to go back sg wang and work...now i just keep working at bandar utama only~~staf...

opening school~*latest news*

yup~opening school adi...finally, daddy mummy had been come back to stay with me~~^^maybe u wont know what the feel when u go home but nobody at home, so u may not know how the feel when u saw the light were on, the fan were moving on,how warm the sound come from inside and the person who open the door for u when u reach home....yaya~this is what i mean family~some people they may not appreciate what they got just like me few years b4~~ then now i will had my dinner with them even lunch if i just having my class in the morning~finally i need not to find any1 alse to accompany me for my meal~~sounds pity rite???hahaha...ya~thats my life for 2years more adi....but something are not good as well...erm...the most big effect is i cant even go anywhere alse up 2me adi~but,i think the benefit are always more than the disadvantage loh~~haha...love to saw them everyday~~ another thing is my new semester...haiz...faint~~~gonna take 5subject for this sem and the time table are rushes too...haiz~~...


最近,爱上情歌~ 不管旧的或是新的。。。 可能是感同身受所以听起来, 感觉更深刻~~ "so let me come to you.......to feel your heart beating fast...darling so share with me....shall i be the one for you?...." ---eyes on me "You''ll hold me in your arms, and say once again you''ll love me. And that your love is true, everything will be just as wonderful. " -----a lover's concerto "2drifters, off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. We're after the same rainbow's end, waitin' 'round the bend....My huckleberry friend, Moon River, and me" ---moon river 听着这些歌就会让我想起他~ 虽然不懂未来有多远,但我相信缘分~ 此刻的心情就像情歌里的女主角一样, 相信着他们的爱情~~ 就算没有未来又怎样?真爱过就不会遗憾。。。 真的,越听越甜蜜~越听越感动~ Tale as old as time Song as old as rhyme ---beauty and the beast^.^

~~happy MerDeKa~~

30/8/09 today is the MErdEka Eve, i got some frenz from jb come kl for holiday~ because of them, i got chance to know this place~4happy Season Restaurant~ this reataurant got 4spaces in 4types of condition....spring,summer,autumn & winter~ i not dare to go each of the space to take picture so i just take the picture of where i had my seat only~~~we sit at the autumn space~ actually there got up stairs and down stairs...spring and summer are at ground and autumn & winter are on top...ofcause we will prefer sit on up stairs...we pass tru the winter space, there are in white design but blue light inside~~COOL man~~there r really cool inside and they also prepare some jacket for the customer inside here...but, we prefer sit outside even the sky look like wanna rain already...==" but all my frenz keep scoling me because i keep saying rain RaIn rAiN....kekeke~XD the feel is good and the view is nice~~very romantic, a good choice for couple~~food is ok~~not bad... this is fion a...

yo~~geram sangat~

just now i want to write a post for yesterday story... just feel happy to recall all the memories for my blog~ when i choosing the picture for post i will thinking back all the things happen yesterday and smile~^^ but...... when i almost finish my post....... dc....Dc....yea....DCDCDC~~~ decline~~~T.T i wrote so long leh~~~almost finish already yeh~~ and i though it will auto save some for me... so i check back... .... .... .... .... .... blank.... .... i feel faint at that time~~ nothing inside the space for that post~ >. haiz~~~re-write..... re-write... the 2nd time i cant smile or laugh during i writing anymore......... but, i still can finish it in the end~~sure i can!!!

happY HaPpY daYzz ...Y(^_^)Y

today is a happy day~why? because happy loh~~wahahaha.... actually today i date with the pitstop gang to Sunway for shogun buffet again,but...we fail...why?hahaa...some body responsible for it...who?me loh....hahaxx...cause i am late and make us depart late also..but,erm....i think is a coincidence too la...actually we just late half an hour only ma, but there already full of people and reservation as well....==" i thought now is puasa period will less people 1...who knows....hahaxx..just forget abt it la~~keke.. start from left:mokmok(peyshan),shinya,TS,panda,sheng,grace after that we decide to go that restoran mokmok recommend before~is B.B.Q plaza...do u heard it b4??erm...is abit like korean style...got steamboat and bbq as well...actually they will feel abit regret for that sushi buffet but actually for me,i am abit happy for that cos i already eat 3times so....maybe is a good thing for me..(i dont dare to tell cause scare they said i be late purposely....keke..)this lunch ac...


还在想。。。 想什么? 不知道。。。 为什么? 不清楚。。。 总言之, 还在想。。。 想一个解决的方法, 想一个两全其美的结局, 想一个完美的故事, 想一个快乐的结果, 想一个没有难过的世界, 想一个有情人能总成眷属的童话。 想,有用吗? 想,会实现? 想、想、想、想。。。。 这次我把主导权放在他手里了。。。 让他去决定, 我们到底还有没有未来~~ (~ _ ~)


终于还是选择了放手 不能走到最后,不是谁的错。 不合适的两个人, 幸福永远短暂。 与其苦恋,不如留下回忆活在记忆里。 谢谢这一个给我美好回忆的人。 从此生命中又多了一个, 丰富我爱情记事本的男生。。。

working @ watson,Sg Wang^_^

these 3days, working at watson,sg wang...very tired and boring..but luckily meet a gang of friendz here~~all of them is same as me,talkative and friendly...we help each other when face problem...learn from each other... i got much of knowledge from them,some time can from customers too...^^ just like others, we alwways like to gather at 1place and chitchat..haha~ofcos,we r clever girls...wont choose the place full of cctv 1...hahaxx dono why,every1 are not wish me to leave on the last day...even the management staff also dont kacau us when saw all of us taking picture and keep assemble togather...actually i finish work at 8pm, but i back on 9.15pm...bcos they keep chitchat v me... we keep take photo under the cctv...hahaxx~the others staff always warn us..and the guard also keep checking us...but we just chance place and take photo...hahaxx...even later maybe will warn by some1 but...WE R NOT AFFRAID!!wakakaka...^O^ hope we can have a gathering soon~~~FOR ALL FRINEDZ AT WATSON,SG WANG~...

~gathering gathering~

今天一大早我就起床了,因为约了我几个好友到sunway的shogun buffet聚餐~~由于是嫣珊驾车所以我们就在佩佩的家集合吧。。。其实我已经迟到了的,只是凭我的直觉告诉我,她们一定也会迟滴~~kekekeke..... 最后,到达该餐厅时还没到12点,所以我们只好呆呆的站在外面等。。。还有狂拍照。。。哈哈~我们在等待的同时发现没有其他顾客等待,就好奇为什么做促销却没人来的。。谁知一到十二点整,人潮都几乎是同时出现。。。搞到我心怕怕的问珊是否需要预定,不过到最后其他客人也是没预定的啦。。。 一进到去我们就已经迫不及待的去看看有什么好料吃了。。。每人都拿一大碟。。。然后趁还没享用之前,我们都会先拍照。。。但是其实是不能拍他们的食物的。。。像我又一次想拍刚拿回来的sushi,结果被工作人员劝阻下来了。。。很拍写~~>_ 今天的聚餐真的很开心。。。因为有梁歆雅小姐的加持~哈哈。。。她一直莫名其妙的搞笑,弄到我们不止笑到流泪还肚子痛呢~~~有一幕是她要和ck玩自拍,谁知一直拍不到ck的头,只拍到半个头。。。明明已经帮她调整了,谁知她一拍的时候手又歪了。。。=="总之就是开心啦。。 美中不足应该是chemmy没办法来参我们一起玩咯。。。没关系,应该会有下次吧~~^^ 接着晚上,就是我们老同学的gathering了。。。刚巧遇在同一天。。为了迁就我,大家特地选在pitstop办。。。其实,老实说,也不必为了我而选这里,因为我根本无法参与大家的谈话,反而变成大家的侍应生~~+_+哈哈。。。。 不过还是谢谢他们选在这里,因为至少让我见到bitna了。。。真的好久不见她了。。。不过再见面却好像昨天才见一样。。。她还是那么亲切和蔼。。。又可爱~~^^真的好可惜。。。为什么师父和她的缘份如此短暂。。。还是很喜欢我这个ex师母滴~~~ bitna超级受欢迎得咯~~我们这边还没散会,她又得赶去下一摊了。。。真是大忙人。。希望在她回去之前还有机会再见面。。。^^ 趁bitna要离开的时候赶紧放下手边工作,去跟她合照留影~ 更多有趣有漂亮的照片,请浏览 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/purplechess ^^


三天又过去了,这三天除了累之外其实过得还蛮开心的。。。他终于还是来了。不是很期待,却也让我有所期待。总觉得他很无聊,为什么要从那么远上来看我?想说,也许相处了就不会在纠缠我了吧?就让他来了。 终于,我有勇气面对这一切了。尤其是当他来到我面前时,我发现我不能再逃避了。纵然心是忐忑的,却也那么的动了一下。看他大老远从新山上来、陪我去工作自己却在商场里等足九个小时、载我去任何想去的地方、即使无理取闹还是让着我。。。 为什么一个只见过我两次面的人可以那么迁就、疼爱我呢?真的是缘分吗?开始又感觉到幸福了。只是我还不想安定。看他傻傻的为我付出,真的有点心疼。可是我要怎么对他说呢?因为知道他对感情的认真,所以才不敢接受吗? 我要怎么办呢?继续让他等下去吗?还是拒绝?或是像大家说的接受试试看好了?我,该怎么办呢?(╯﹏╰)

happy thingsSsSsSs.....

recently many great things comes to me... 1) joan sis pregnant 2) my frens come back to kl 3) got many jobs to get money 4) finally shinya come back to work with us at pitstop 5) my daddy mummy come back to stay with me.... YEAH~~~ I WILL NOT BE LONELY ANYMORE~~~ RIGHT~~~ I WILL HAVE LUNCH AND DINNER AT HOME SAME AS U ALL NOW~~~ WAKAKAKAKA^o^ so, starting next month, better don always call me out.... hahaxx...cos i need not to be always hang out already~~ T.T....

{**B@bY wItH bLeSsiNg**}

yeah~~~~ today got a great news from friend... 我要当干妈妈啦!!! hahaha~~~damn happy on that moment~~ how long i am waiting for her...this baby with blessing~ she let everybody waiting for her... everybody looking for her... i think...after she born, she will get about 6 mak angkat immediately~ hahaha^O^ she will be the GRACE from GOD to all of us~ dono she is a baby girl or boy leh?? haha...baby who will grow up with full of love... ~Baby WiTh LovE~ wE R wAitInG fOr U~full of expect^^

apologize from HIM

finally...i get that apologize that i want...thkQ~~ i dont care abt other ppl but u r the 1 very important for me~ i know u know too~~ of cause i know i have the same status for u like u for me also... dont make me angry again... even others can bully me but u need to protect me from them... so, dont bully me again~~ unless i find the 1 can really protect me, if not u will always have the responsible to care for me~ hahahaha....FrIeNdShIp 4eVeR~~^^